Hardpointe v0.2 Long Play

I did a full play-through of the game so far. Took me a lot longer than expected! I guess that’s a good sign. I also managed to not die. Definitely on the easier side at the moment – there are grenades and powers a-plenty. Here it is on youtube. I’ll try to add commentary next time.

Later versions will get a lot more brutal. More terrain, more enemies, fewer power-ups, and at least two more enemy types. I want to have some support-style enemies, with two in the works: one will keep it’s distance and put shields on near-by enemies, the second will be super-fast with no attacks, but be able to alert other enemies to your location.

I am also toying with some kind of factory-type system or enemy that will spew out countless 1-hp/1-damage enemies. Simple to handle in the right scenarios, but if left unaccounted for, it could make things very difficult.